Online Webinar on June 16th, 2023

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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union


Online Webinar on June 16th,  2023
On Friday, June 16th 2023, at 17:30-20:30, an online webinar was held, which was organized as part of the national research program "Development of a Scientific Infrastructure for the Study, Conservation & Exploitation of Microbial Communities of Traditional Fermented Foods & Wines of the Peloponnese Region" with code OPS (MIS) 5047289 of E.P. "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020". 
At the Webinar, the innovative tools developed and the results obtained in the context of this project were presented with the aim of developing a state of the art scientific infrastructure for the study and exploitation of the biodiversity of the microbial communities of the traditional fermented foods and wines of the Peloponnese region.